Global law firm Dentons sets 20% partner diversity target

updated on 02 November 2020

Dentons has set a 20% partner diversity target for its UK, Ireland and Middle East partnership in response to the Black Lives Matter protests.

The firm revealed its ‘Accelerating Race Strategy Action Plan’ earlier this week, which states that by 2025 a fifth of its partnership should be Black, Asian or minority ethnic (BAME), disabled or LGBT.

To address the issue, the firm said it will, among other things, review its lateral recruitment process, launch a BAME student scholarship programme, ensure that team meeting agendas include race, and publish its ethnicity pay gap.

The firm’s UK, Ireland and Middle East chief executive Jeremy Cohen said: “This is a watershed moment and now is the time for dialogue, awareness and action from businesses and their leaders. We must tackle racial injustice if we are to become the most inclusive firm we aspire to be. This is a priority for our firm, and it is my personal priority to work with our Black Professionals Network and Asian Professionals Network to create the type of firm where everyone can thrive.”

Magic circle firm Linklaters also revealed a ‘race action plan’, acknowledging its lack of Black racial diversity after the death of George Floyd in the US and the global movement that followed.