Founded in 2011, PRIME now has 61 firms involved, 27 partner organisations and has given out more than 12,000 weeks of work experience. PRIME's mission is to give young people from less privileged backgrounds the chance to excel in the legal progression. Clifford Chance, DWF Group Plc, Farrer & Co LLP, Gowling WLG (UK) LLP, Linklaters LLP, Mayer Brown International LLP, Osborne Clarke LLP, Slaughter and May, and Womble Bond Dickinson are among the 61 firms that are PRIME members.
Important to note, perhaps, are the promises that the scheme makes to its participants; this includes financial support in attending work experience and pre-placement guidance. PRIME's member firms will provide information to PRIME students on the careers available in the profession and the wider business, and the routes into these careers, among other things.
PRIME member law firms will also provide a way for students to maintain contact with them once the work experience has finished (eg, email or mentoring).
Applications cannot be made through the PRIME website; students should talk to their teachers and careers advisers, through whom PRIME can provide further information.