AZ Take Back Our Homes

Take action today and help keep our neighbors in their homes!

The Take Back Our Homes Campaign is organizing to fight the mass and unjust eviction and displacement of our families and neighbors. We are building power alongside poor and working class communities to create a system that guarantees dignified housing for all Arizonans. Housing is a human right and each of us deserves to live safe, healthy, and joyful lives.

To help build this new future, we organize our communities to take action. We use our collective power to shift government policy in order to increase affordable housing access and create greater protections for tenants. We host monthly Know Your Rights trainings, turn out to speak at key city council meetings, and canvas local neighborhoods and apartment complexes to talk to our neighbors about the housing challenges we all face.

In March of 2023, we were part of the successful effort to pass source of income (SOI) discrimination law in Phoenix, AZ, ensuring that residents would not be discriminated against for utilizing public assistance. There is still so much more to be done to protect ourselves and our neighbors from forced displacement, and we need your help. Together we can win.

Sign The Petition

The Affordable Housing Crisis Is A Statewide Issue

Take Back Our Homes Campaign will continue to push city governments to implement SOI and other tenant protections all over Arizona. One person unable to secure housing is one too many.

Sign the Petition!

Source of Income Discrimination Ordinance

In March of 2023, the Take Back Our Homes Campaign was part of the successful effort to pass source of income (SOI) discrimination law in Phoenix, AZ, ensuring that residents would not be discriminated against for utilizing public assistance. This victory was a direct result of neighbors and organizers wielding their collective power to improve living conditions for all. Phoenix seniors, veterans, folks with disabilities, and neighbors experiencing financial challenges received these material benefits from collective action. But we won't stop there.

Submit a complaint!

Eviction Defense Network

The purpose of the Eviction Defense Network is to help navigate folks who are at risk or are being evicted navigate resources that exist and offer peer to peer support from volunteers. There are various organizations and services that exist that can help alleviate some hardships people going through eviction are facing.

Disclaimer * We are a political organization we do not offer legal advice or direct services* 

Fill Out The Eviction Intake Form